Keeping Radix in the air.

Image with multiple instances of the Leaf Node logo


Some quick facts

Read up on the basics of the Radix network, staking, and node running.

What is Radix?

Radix is a decentralized ledger technology specifically built for decentralized finance, which aims to provide a radically better user and developer experience.

What is a (validator) node?

The Radix network runs on community-operated servers called nodes. Community members running these nodes get rewarded by the network for their effort. They are typically running on rented compute space in data centers, or even at home.

What is staking?

Staking, involving the locking of XRD tokens (the network's currency) to a validator node, prevents excessive influence by a few individuals on the network. It's a form of voting, as a node's influence is tied to its stake. While you stake, you are still in full control of the funds. The node operator has no control over your staked tokens.

Why would I stake?

As explained previously, staking secures the network. To incentivize staking, it is rewarded by the Radix network, just like running a node. Stakers will receive percentage-based staking rewards on their stake. Currently, the APY is around ~8%.

What are the risks of staking?

Staked funds are locked until an unstake request is made. There's a 7-day unstaking delay, during which fund transfer is not possible.

How should I pick validators to stake to?

It is advised that you find a minimum of 5 different validator nodes which you deem trustworthy, and stake to those. The full list of validators is available on the Radix Dashboard, or our friend Bart's StakeSafe dashboard. Pay attention to how well the node runners score in decentralization, technical quality and transparency.


Why your stake is safe with Leaf Node

We follow all the best practices of running a validator node, such as decentralization, high security, close monitoring and transparency.

High uptime

A high uptime metric is highly important for the Radix network's availability, and it influences the received rewards for stakers and node runners. Leaf Node is among the top nodes in terms of uptime.

Cloud decentralization

Leaf Node hosts its nodes on less popular infrastructure providers, to minimize dependency on large companies such as Amazon and Microsoft, choosing decentralization over convenience.

Geographic decentralization

We pick our hosting locations carefully, to make sure the node is hosted at a safe location while keeping geographical decentralization in mind.

Excellent performance

Our servers match or exceed the requirements for Radix nodes as set by RDX Works.

Close monitoring

On-call day and night in case a system needs attention, with automatic alerts.

Backup node

Even though only one node is necessary to do the work, a second node is synced and ready to take over at any time in case of a system failure or outage.

How to stake to Leaf Node?

We provide a one-click stake button for easy staking to our validator. This is supported for desktop. Mobile-only staking may be supported some time in the future.

Step 1: Connect your Radix Wallet

Connect your Radix wallet by clicking the Connect Button on the top right of this page. You can only connect with one account at a time. To pick a different account, click on the Radix Connect button and then 'Update Data Sharing', which will allow you to pick a different account in the wallet. If you have not installed the Radix Wallet or the Radix Wallet connector browser extension yet, please follow Radix's official guide to install these.

Step 2: Enter the stake amount

Enter the amount of XRD you would like to stake to Leaf Node into the bar at the top right of this page.

Step 3: Confirm

To confirm, simply click the 'Stake' button. This action will send the transaction to your Radix wallet. It's important to carefully review the transaction manifest that is displayed. By approving the transaction, you authorize its processing by the Radix network. Once this step is completed, your funds are officially staked. The staked funds can now be found in the wallet at the tab 'Pool Units'


Any further questions?

Don't hesitate to reach out! We love answering questions about our node setup or just having a chat.